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You can use promptbooks as an AI-first text editor, a playground to try out prompts and compare LLMs, or as an editor for building reusable AI tools.

Think of a promptbook as a sequence of steps that define instructions for the LLM. A promptbook is essentially code written in natural language.

You can create more advanced functionality in a promptbook by combining different steps. Each step contains a prompt and other settings. Steps run independently by default, but you can combine them using references.


LLMs produce better results when they solve a specific problem at a time instead of doing many things at once. That's why we recommend splitting your solution into several steps and making your prompts as precise as possible.


Learn more about steps here.

Prompt chains

Learn more about Prompt chains here.


Every time you run a step, you will generate a result. You can edit every result manually. You can also select from different result versions. The version you select will be the one used by any following step with a reference to it.


Learn more about results here.

Deploying Promptbooks

You can create a shareable UI for your promptbook through our shareable app feature. Shareable UIs come with a tailor-made UI for others to use your promptbook.

If you have an existing system you wish to integrate with, you can also deploy a promptbook through an API. To integrate the AI tool into your codebase, you can use our SDK or our Rest API.


Learn more about AI tools here.