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In Prompt Studio, a step is a command to a Language Model. Each step contains a prompt and an AI behavior.

Prompt Studio allows you to use several steps in your promptbooks.

Prompt chains

Learn more about the benefits of splitting your prompts here

Steps run independently by default, but you can combine them using references. To do that, use the "attach" button.

Linking steps

In many cases, you want to use the result of a step in another step. Let's take a very simple example where, in the first step, you want the LLM to extract concerns expressed by interviewees from a file containing the interview scripts. In the second step, you want the LLM to suggest solutions to those concerns.

In the first step, we pass a files containing the interviews to the step by typing / as follows:

Based on the following interviews: /interviews, list the concerns expressed by the interviewees.

We name this step "concerns".

In the second step, we want the LLM to suggest solutions based on the concerns extracted from the first step. For that, we're referring to the output of the first step with /concerns. The second step looks like this:

Based on the following concerns: /concerns, suggest a solution that would make the interviewee happy.

When you run your promptbook now:

  1. The first step runs, let's say the content of the result is The couch is too small.
  2. The second step runs and generates a solution to that specific concern.

AI behaviors

With AI behaviors, you control what LLM and parameters your prompt uses.

AI behaviors

Learn more about selecting LLMs and changing LLM settings here

Output formats

Coming soon

We are going to add more information on this soon!